
Opinion: Let us choose how we want to live

The spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in New York
The New York Stock Exchange is seen in the financial district of lower Manhattan during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.
REUTERS/Jeenah Moon

In my opinion, Democrats are using the coronavirus outbreak as an opportunity to exert iron-fisted control over our personal freedoms and businesses, while also using it to try and take down President Donald Trump in November.

For example, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s executive orders tell us exactly what types of “substantial foods” must be ordered at restaurants and bars in order to be served alcohol. Sometimes one just wants to grab a beer without being forced to buy food also.

Cuomo’s reasoning for the directive is that it helps prevent people from congregating just to drink together. However, the governor stays mum on mass protesters congregating to march through our streets.

And now, Gov. Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio insist there is no time frame for indoor dining to return to New York City. Hizzoner says it may not be until a vaccine is available. How many more vacant storefronts and unemployed New Yorkers this will lead to is anyone’s guess.

We can’t go to ball games, Broadway shows, or any other event that keeps Americans thriving and millions employed.

I understand the precautions, but at some point we have to make a choice in how we want to live. Do we want be in seclusion and fear, or do we want to return to normalcy, with proper safeguards for the most vulnerable citizens threatened by this virus — specifically seniors, and those with pre-existing conditions? My hunch is more Americans are now leaning towards the latter.

Whenever President Trump offers hope for effective treatments, he is lambasted by the press and the Democrats. It seems like they do not want any progress on this front until after Election Day.

We all recall the attacks President Trump took for touting Hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment, including from New York City Democrats. However, Queens Councilman Paul Vallone, a Democrat, said it saved his life after a near-fatal battle with the virus.

He told The New York Post, “I couldn’t breathe, very weak, couldn’t get out of bed. My doctor prescribed it. My pharmacy had it. Took it that day and within two to three days I was able to breathe. Within a week I was back on my feet.”

Of course, there were crickets in response from other local Democrats. You would think they would be happy that his life was saved — but it would mean saying maybe President Trump was right. This was not an option.

Just this week, POTUS announced that the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an emergency authorization for convalescent plasma to be used against the coronavirus. You would think this would be good news, too. Not to Democrats.

Once again, epitomizing the Democratic response, Brooklyn Councilman Justin Brannan offered conspiracy theories, tweeting, “FDA was unwilling to green light convalescent plasma just a few days ago. Now, on the eve of the Republican National Convention…Commissioner issues emergency authorization.”

If President Trump did push the FDA to cut some red tape to potentially save American lives we should applaud him for it. Something tells me that if a President Joe Biden did the same thing he would be hailed as a conquering hero by these same naysayers criticizing the president today. 

Bob Capano has worked for Brooklyn Republican and Democrat elected officials, and has been an adjunct political science professor for over 15 years. Follow him on twitter @bobcapano

Editor’s Note: The effectiveness in treating COVID-19 and lasting effects of convalescent plasma and Hydroxychloroquine remain undetermined. There is not yet a proven cure for COVID-19.