
Pales-whiners don’t want a state, they just want to destroy Israel and kill Jews

Palestinian agitators are experts at conning the moral majority into sympathizing with their terror agenda — a juggernaut of simpering jealousies and anger culminating in unforgivable “days of rage” and step-by-step tutorials on “How to Stab a Jew.”

Let’s get real. Israel does not initiate violence, but it defends itself effectively enough to humiliate Palestinians into saving face with bogus propaganda and public relations wars that draw moral equivalence from the lofty likes of the Vatican. Pope Francis took time out from ignoring the Christian genocide in the Middle East and elsewhere in the Muslim world to appeal for an end to the latest outburst of stabbings and gunfire in the Holy Land, urging Israelis and Palestinians to shun loathing and payback, when only one side is invested in both.

Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, Islamic Jihad, and their charges exist to ignite hatred, violence, and mass murder, with any reason excuse enough to detonate their anti-Semitism. That would include the sight of Jewish worshippers on the sacred Jewish Temple Mount — also the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque — that allegedly triggered the latest round of violence.

Libelous accusations against Israel — Jews apparently scheme to infect Palestinians with the HIV virus and spread drug addiction, among other plots — have blinded the world to the craven Palestinian character, which glorifies the murder of Jews, but isn’t above accepting Israeli humanitarian aid, including free medical care and reconstruction aid. What hypocrisy.

The Palestinian attention to destroying Israel and killing Jews is far and above its commitment to pursuing harmony and a happy homeland. The moral majority should note that those who store weapons inside hospitals, mosques, and schools, while using their civilians as human shields and inciting hatred in children, do not deserve sympathy, statehood or the time of day.

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