
Palestinians are their own worst enemies

Photographs speak volumes and the grisly ones of a corpse being dragged through the streets of Gaza by Palestinian thugs are proof enough that the Palestinian thirst for blood and revenge remains unabated and unchecked — despite protests by apologists who find it easier to vilify Israel than take unrepentant Palestinian murderers to task.

“Proud Palestinian” Ribhi Badaw was one of six suspected spies pulled over by masked Palestinians last week, and forced to lie face-down on the road before being executed and then paraded as a poster boy for Palestinian hatefulness.

Eye witness accounts — from Palestinians, no less, who should have been thinking, “What hellish side are we on?” — are enough to make the blood curdle.

According to them, the victims were shot — one by one — before the mob really went to town, kicking and spitting on the bruised, battered, and bloodied bodies before tying Badawi’s lifeless carcass to a motorbike with a cable and speeding off on a barbaric joy ride.

The irony, of course, is that Badawi was a reported Islamo-thug himself and a member of a hard-line islamist group, whose solidarity with savages cost him his life. No tears there.

His death is only remarkable because it shows — in all its gory glory — the Palestinian capacity for acts of terror, even against Palestinians.

Some Palestinians decried the killing as being too merciful: “They should have been killed in a more brutal fashion so others don’t even think about working with the occupation (Israel),” said bystander Ashraf Maher.

Palestinian human-rights groups — huh? — are apparently investigating the killings, but Badawi’s family shouldn’t hold its breath for a humane outcome, judging from the cavalier response of Issam Younis, director of the non-governmental Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights, who stated, “Some of the names that have been mentioned to me tonight [as collaborators who were killed] had already been charged and sentenced to death — they were not just taken from the street today and shot.”

Younis is an unabashed supporter of Hamas, the Gaza ruling party “believed to have killed more than 400 Israelis and at least 25 U.S. citizens since 1993, using an array of tactics including suicide bombings, homemade rockets, and mortar attacks,” www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/R41514.pdf“>according to the Congressional Research Service.

“I remain an advocate of the right of Hamas to govern and I absolutely reject the double standards employed by the international community towards the movement, he has said.

The appalling fact remains that Palestinian extremism begins at childhood. Boys, some barely first graders, are brainwashed into brandishing automatic weapons, handguns, and AK47 assault rifles with more relish than they would tackle milk and cookies.

Masked gunmen assassinating Palestinians are a Palestinian specialty well-reported by the Human Rights Watch, which documents “the arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture, maimings by shooting, and extra-judicial executions by alleged members of Hamas security forces” in its 2008 report, “www.hrw.org/node/82366“>Under Cover of War: Hamas Political Violence in Gaza.”

Palestinian atrocities are about as savage as any that have existed in our entire history, and it behooves all Palestinians to shout them out from rooftops everywhere — if indeed they can tear themselves away from their trumped-up war against Israel.

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