
Pet costume contest draws dogs by dozen, Dick Zigun impawsonator

Pet costume contest draws dogs by dozen, Dick Zigun impawsonator
Photo by Georgine Benvenuto

A pack of two dozen pooches and a rat named Betty strutted their stuff on the Boardwalk during Deno’s Wonder Wheel’s annual Pet Day costume contest on May 31.

And one hound came dressed as Coney Island’s own top dog — unofficial mayor Dick Zigun. The clever costume was a no-brainer, said it’s creator.

“I really like the Mermaid Parade, and I find Zigun to be an interesting character, so I thought it would be interesting and Coney Island-related,” said Jenny S., who will also be judging the mermaid-themed march down Surf Avenue and the Boardwalk on June 20.

So she dressed Snickers, her miniature Australian Shepherd, in full Dick Zigun regalia — including a black tank top, bowler’s hat, shades, and a Tilly-emblazoned drum just like the one Coney Island’s unofficial mayor beats while leading the annual Mermaid Parade.

After seeing a photo of the dog on Twitter, Zigun invited Jenny for a beer at Coney Island USA.

Reach reporter Max Jaeger at mjaeger@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–8303. Follow him on Twitter @JustTheMax.

But the pint-sized parade paragon took second place in the contest.

Dogs have their day: Maryanne and Joe Alesci bring their boxers Bagel and Butter for a free ride on the Wonder Wheel during the annual Pet Day at Deno’s Wonder Wheel on May 30.
Photo by Georgine Benvenuto

The judges — Ferris wheel magnate Diane Vourderis, burlesque dancer Angie Pontani, and Councilman Mark Treyger (D–Coney Island) — gave top honors to Paquito, a Chihuahua dressed up like a police patrol car.

The dog’s owner said he wanted to inject a bit of levity to reduce the recent tensions between police and locals.

“With all the situations happening with police and civilians and shootings, I thought I’d make something to liven up the situation,” said Kevin Serrano of Queens, Paquito’s owner.

Erin Samuelsen and her pet rat Betty, who came dolled up as Disney fairy Tinker Bell, took third place.

It was Serrano’s third victory in the contest since 2003, he said. He didn’t expect a win this year, but the field left a bit to be desired, he said.

“I thought there was going to be better competition, because there’s such a big turnout,” he said.

Paw-trol car: Kevin Serrano’s chihuahua Paquito won first place for his NYPD patrol car costume.
Photo by Georgine Benvenuto