
Police kill pellet-gun-packing Bushwick teen

Police kill pellet-gun-packing Bushwick teen

Police officers shot and killed an 18-year-old in Bushwick early Sunday morning after they say he tried to rob a bodega then pointed what turned out to be a pellet gun at them.

Three cops responded to a report of Bushwick man Sergio Reyes holding up the deli on Starr Street and Irving Avenue at 12:40 am, and found him heading towards Knickerbockers Avenue, according to a report.

When the officers confronted Reyes, they say he raised the gun towards them, and the cops responded by firing several rounds into the teen — hitting him 14 times in the city’s Medical Examiner.

Emergency responders took Reyes to Woodhull Hospital, where he later died, officials said.

Police have released a photo of the pellet gun and a security-camera still of a masked man holding up the bodega at gunpoint.

The clerk says the robber was trying to steal beer, according to the New York Times.

Reach deputy editor Ruth Brown at rbrown@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–8309. Follow her at twitter.com/rbbrown.
Gunpoint: Police say this security footage still shows Reyes sticking up a bodega before he was shot.