
Police: Man slugs taxi driver on Beard Street

76th Precinct

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Taxi attack

Cops cuffed a man for allegedly punching a taxi driver outside a Beard Street store on Jan. 7.

The victim told police he was picking up a passenger near Otsego Street at 6:20 pm when the suspect allegedly punched him in the face.

Boys in Blue arrested the suspect 25 minutes later at the location and charged him with assault and harassment, they said.

Criminal haul

A thief robbed a clothing store on Atlantic Avenue on Jan. 7.

The punk stole a duffle bag in the store between Clinton and Court streets sometime between 2 and 3 pm and stuffed it with three pairs of pants and two denim jackets before making a run for it, according to cops.

Clean case

Police arrested a man who they say robbed a pharmacy on Smith Street on jan. 7.

Cops said that the suspect allegedly stole laundry detergent bottles from the shelves at the store at President Street at 2:45 pm.

They arrested him 10 minutes later and charged the him with petty larceny, according to cops.

Double bike thief

A thief stole two bikes from outside a house on Degraw Street sometime between Jan. 2 and 4.

The victim told police that he locked the two bikes to the front gate between Court and Smith streets at 6 pm on Jan. 2, and two days later at 6 am, they were gone, according to cops.

Coach crook

A sneak thief robbed a coach bus parked on Van Brunt Street on Jan. 3.

The lout got into the unlocked door of the bus parked between Summit and Browne streets at 4:10 am and took its navigation device and stereo before making a run for it, according to cops.

— Kevin Duggan