
Police: Teen shot at other kid

76th Precinct

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Dazed mad confused

A goon shot a man on Hoyt Street on April 22.

The victim told police that he was between Douglass and Butler streets at 1:25 am, when he heard what sounded like gunshots. When the victim looked down, he realized that he’d been shot in the abdomen, cops said.


A thief stole an iPhone from a Fourth Place apartment on April 21.

The jerk broke into the building between Court and Clinton streets through a hallway door at 9 am, and went up to the third floor, where he entered the victim’s apartment through unknown means, cops said. The victim, who was sleeping at the time, awoke to find the thief in his home.

The crook fled — and took the victim’s iPhone 4S with him.

Empty register

A would-be burglar attempted to raid a Degraw Street restaurant on April 17.

The thief broke into the eatery between Clinton Street and Tompkins Place through a front window sometime after 2 pm and ransacked the register, according to police reports. Fortunately, there was no cash in the drawer, and the perp fled empty handed.

One punch

Four thugs assaulted a man on Hick Street on April 16.

The victim told police that he was near Nelson Street shortly after 6 pm, when he noticed that four men were following him. When they caught up to the victim, one of the goons punched him in the face and fled, cops said.

— Colin Mixson

Reach reporter Thomas Tracy at ttracy@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2525.