
Police: Woman smashed bottle over ex’s face

72nd Precinct

Sunset Park–Windsor Terrace

Have a glass

Investigators arrested a woman suspected of beating her ex-boyfriend with a glass bottle inside a Fourth Avenue doughnut store on Feb. 19.

The victim told police he was inside the pastry shop between 24th and 25th streets at 12:05 pm when the suspect smashed the bottle over his face, leaving him with cuts on his face and hand.

The victim was taken to Lutheran Hospital for treatment, and police tracked down the suspect the next day, charging her with felony assault, cops said.

Razor sharp

Cops cuffed two men for allegedly slashing a man and beating his friend amid a brutal attempted robbery on Fourth Avenue on Feb. 24.

The victims told police the suspects, along with another man, jumped them as they exited a diner between 60th and 61st streets at 4:30 pm, shoving them to the ground, before slashing one of them on the hand with a box cutter.

Officers managed to track down two suspects, charging them with felony robbery, but a third remains on the lam, cops said.

Third strike

Police busted a 23-year-old man after he allegedly attempted to burgle a woman’s 17th Street home — for the third time — on Feb. 22.

The victim told police the suspect tried to open a basement window leading into her home between 10th and 11th avenues at 5:40 pm, but took off after about 10 minutes.

She claims the same guy was spotted on her property twice prior, on Feb. 2 and Feb. 16, and offered to provide police video evidence for each incident, cops said.

Officers cuffed the suspect on Feb. 23, charging him with felony burglary, according to police.

Take down

Officers collared a 25-year-old man suspected of robbing a woman on 52nd Street on Feb. 23, taking her iPhone 8 and other valuables.

The victim told authorities she was between Seventh and Eighth avenues at 5:20 pm when the suspect crept up and grabbed her from behind, before throwing her to pavement.

The man then started screaming at her, demanding cash, before ripping the bag from her grasp and fleeing towards Seventh Avenue, according to the police report.

— Colin Mixson