
PS 207 celebrates 10th anniversary art show

PS 207 celebrates 10th anniversary art show
Michele Kelly

Marine Park

Three cheers for PS 207, Elizabeth G. Leary School, in Marine Park, which celebrated its 10th
annual art show on April 15.

More than 400 families attended the show, which featured artwork from students from kindergarten to eighth grade, according to the school’s art teacher.

“It was very heartwarming because kids were able to show their work, and their parents were so proud,” said Michele Kelly. “And, us teachers were able to celebrate the students, which was great.”

Students from each grade competed for medals awarded to the best of the 500 pieces of art submitted to the show, according to Kelly.

“The kids were eligible for gallery awards, including grade-level gold, silver, and special recognition awards,” she said. “We have senior students who have a friendly competition to design a T-shirt that we sell as a fund-raiser.”

Since Kelly began the art show in 2009, it has dramatically increased in size and scope.

“We originally started 10 years ago, and we’ve increased the size and increased our ability to outreach to students, so that more of them participate. Now we have it in the evening across two days so that families can come.”

In addition to paintings, the show also now features photography, visual animations, and three-dimensional printings, said Kelly.

“We’re giving the kids a better understanding of how arts works,” she said. “Some really amazing creations came out of it.”

— Aidan Graham

Reach reporter Aidan Graham at agraham@schnepsmedia.com or by calling (718) 260–4577.