
Scammer makes bomb threat in exchange for Bitcoins

72nd Precinct

Sunset Park–Windsor Terrace

Two-bit con

A scam artist emailed a bomb threat to the management office of a 58th Street warehouse complex demanding Bitcoins on Dec. 13, as part of a nationwide con being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

A worker at the terminal near Second Avenue at 1:39 pm received the email stating that a “mercenary” had planted a bomb somewhere in the complex, and was demanding Bitcoins worth $20,000 in exchange for not detonating the explosive device.

Police scoured the facility, but didn’t find any explosive devices and later declared the building safe, according to police.

Investigators then connected the bomb threat to a national scheme to collect cryptocurrency from fearful Americans, cops said.

Subway rage

Cops arrested a 40-year-old woman after she allegedly flew into a profanity-laced rage and attacked another woman aboard a D train at the 36th Street subway station on Dec. 11.

The victim told police she accidentally bumped into the suspect aboard a Manhattan-bound D train at the station near Fourth Avenue at 8:30 am, when the lady went berserk and started screaming at her, before smacking her with an umbrella and slashing the woman’s face with her keys.

Another straphanger moved to step in on the victim’s behalf, and then he got keyed too, suffering lacerations to his face and hands, cops said.

Officers cuffed the woman that day on felony assault charges, according to police.

— Colin Mixson