
School bus full of kids plows into fire hydrant in Fort Greene

School bus full of kids plows into fire hydrant in Fort Greene
Photo by Paul Martinka

A driver plowed a school bus full of kids into a fire hydrant outside a Fort Greene elementary school on Feb. 1, sending one distraught youngster to the hospital with an injured leg.

The driver picked up kids outside the educational PS 67 on St. Edwards street at Auburn Place around 3 pm, then crashed into the poles surrounding the hydrant as he was driving off, according to police.

One boy’s right leg was pinned inside the bus by the crash, and the pupil screamed in agony as medics came to assist him, according to ace photographer Paul Martinka, who rushed to the scene from an assignment nearby.

Emergency responders took the boy to nearby Brooklyn Hospital for treatment for lacerations to his leg, and checked out six other kids and three adults at the scene, according to the police and fire departments.

The bus driver remained at the scene and police didn’t charge him with anything, authorities say.

The driver said it was an accident and he just didn’t see the hydrant, according to a spokesman for the bus’s operator Lorinda Enterprises.

Still, the company plans to hold a hearing with the driver’s union rep from Local 91, and could face “discipline” if they determine he did something wrong, the spokesman said.

“We’re very happy children were okay — we’re just waiting for a union representative to have formal hearing with him,” said company director Corey Muirhead.

The Department of Education did not immediately comment on the crash.

A woman who picked up the phone at PS 67 inexplicably transferred the call to Downtown’s PS 369. The woman who picked up the phone there said she had no idea why.

Reach deputy editor Ruth Brown at rbrown@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–8309. Follow her at twitter.com/rbbrown.
Victim: One kid suffered a leg injury in the crash, and went to hospital for treatment.
Photo by Paul Martinka