
Midwood Council candidate injured in suspected anti-Semitic attack

Boris Noble, who’s planning to run for the soon-to-be-vacated District 48 Council seat, said he was injured in an anti-Semitic attack outside him home last week.
Courtesy of Boris Noble

An undeclared City Council candidate running to replace term-limited Councilman Chaim Deutsch was injured in what he suspects was an anti-Semitic attack outside his Midwood home last week.

Boris Noble, 35, sustained injuries to his jaw after a villain snuck up behind him outside his E. 12th Street house at around 11:30 pm on July 16, and smacked him in the face with a bat, Noble said. 

“I was just talking on my phone on my block, and the perp came up to me from behind and had some sort of object,” he said.

Noble chased the teenaged assailant, who ran down E. 13th Street and then east-bound on Avenue K, according to a police spokesperson. Noble then called the police, who quickly arrived to the scene and searched in vain for the attacker.

“It was late at night, dark,” he said. “He was hiding. He was gone within seconds of me running after him.”

The Midwood politico — who has filed with the Board of Elections to run in the 2021 District 48 Council primary — said he was wearing a yarmulke at the time of the attack, raising the possibility that the teenaged assailant had anti-Semitic motives.

The perp’s decision to wear a hoodie and carry a bat also suggest that he had planned to hit someone, adding to Noble’s suspicions. 

“It was 85 degrees on Thursday night, so it’s odd to wear a hoodie in that weather,” he said. “There was something premeditated about it.”

The bat cracked Noble’s right canine tooth in half and caused nerve damage to his jaw, he said. A dentist had to extract the remaining tooth and cap the exposed nerve.

The attack came nearly a week after three men pummeled a 51-year-old Jewish Midwood resident after yelling “You f—— Jew,” at him out of their car window by Kings Highway, NBC reported.  

Noble, who will face off against civic leaders Steven Saperstein and Amber Adler for the southern Brooklyn Council seat, said he worried that many local anti-Semitic assaults go unreported.

My biggest issue is, how many other victims are out there? How many people are like, ‘I just got hit, whatever. Nothing’s going to happen,” he said. 

To prevent more hate crimes, Noble said that police should have more patrolmen out and about in the neighborhood every night.

“I do believe there should be more patrol officers out at night,” said the Ukraine-born candidate. “That, to me, is the time that most crimes tend to occur.”

An NYPD spokeswoman said that the incident is under investigation and has been deemed a “possible biased incident” at this juncture.