
Simba’s back! Wandering Persian returns home

Simba’s back! Wandering Persian returns home
Photo by Steve Solomonson

The 2-year-old peach-and-white long-haired Persian that slipped out of his family’s Aster Court home in Gerritsen Beach on Sept. 26 was returned to his heartbroken family last Friday after an article about the feline’s disappearance appeared in our paper.

“It’s marvelous that he’s home,” Delores Corbett said of her wandering tom who was being cared for by a family a block and a half away from Corbett’s home when the article appeared. “We got dozens of calls as soon as the issue hit the stands.”

Upon seeing Simba in the paper, the anonymous hero of the day called the Corbetts and said that Simba was relaxing in her garage.

Happy to have him home, Corbett said that Simba has free range of her home again — albeit with restrictions.

“We have him on lock-down,” Corbett said, adding that the new house rules will also keep the paparazzo at bay. “He’s the celebrity of the neighborhood now. Everyone keeps asking me, ‘Is that the cat we saw in the paper?’ ”