
So what happens at Fort Hamilton

So what happens at Fort Hamilton
Community Newspaper Group / Alfred Ng

Local politicians want to keep Fort Hamilton from being closed — but what actually happens there? We sent legendary intern Alfred Ng to the neighborhood to ask locals if they know.

“My father was a sergeant there, when the United States was in Panama. That was a long time ago, though. I don’t know what they do now.”
Michelle Perez, 19, Staten Island
Truth? Yes, the base was more active decades ago.
Community Newspaper Group / Alfred Ng

“I think they protect Brooklyn.”
Joseph Martna, 53, Staten Island
Truth? Not true.
Community Newspaper Group / Alfred Ng

“I have no idea. They keep the troops there?”
Maria Petsini, 40, Bay Ridge
Truth? Sort of. Some troops do live at Fort Hamilton.
Community Newspaper Group / Alfred Ng

“What do they do? Protect the country. Probably do some training.”
Al Renzi, 85, Bay Ridge
Truth? A matter of opinion. There is no training at Fort Ham, but the existence of the base could be construed as protecting the country.
Community Newspaper Group / Alfred Ng

“I don’t know. I’d say it’s important for building an army though.”
Alex Truvan, 37, Bay Ridge
Truth? New recruits are often processed through Fort Ham, though that job could be done elsewhere.
Community Newspaper Group / Alfred Ng