
Sow mulch fun! Kids plant flowers at Manhattan Beach Park

Sow mulch fun! Kids plant flowers at Manhattan Beach Park
Photo by Joshua Winata

They nurtured their green thumbs!

Kids of all ages rolled up their sleeves and got their hands dirty planting flowers and beautifying Manhattan Beach Park on Nov. 13. The clean-up event — hosted by Friends of Manhattan Beach Dog Run Association and the Parks Department — was a great way to get out in the fresh air and help beautify a neighborhood, said one mom from Gravesend, whose daughters attend school at PS 195 in Manhattan Beach.

“My kids all had so much fun and they would love to do it again. They get just to stay home and stay indoors and go out for school and just a few things, but they don’t get to do things like that and it was good for them,” said Nana Mensah, who brought daughters Janelle, Janice, and Kelsey Nelson-Osae to the event. “And it also gives them a sense of loyalty, helping to do something. It was fulfilling.”

And Parks Department worker Jordan Aponte’s patience while teaching kids their first lessons in gardening was inspiring, said Mary O’Neill, who is the assistant principal at PS 195.

“Jordan was so patient and informative about what we’re doing and why we were doing it. And really let the kids get their hands dirty and do the work. They had a great time,” she said.

The event was a first for the community, and it was so successful that local leaders hope to do it again soon, said Shari Kaplan, president of the park’s dog-run association.

“It went very well, very successful. It was for the entire community,” she said. “I think the kids really thought it was good, they had a great time and can’t wait to come back to do it again.”

Reach reporter Julianne Cuba at (718) 260–4577 or by e-mail at jcuba@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @julcuba.