
Stan channels the Dragnet soundtrack

With the theme from Dragnet still running around my medulla (“Dumb-da-dumb-dumb!”), here are more of the recent unintelligent items:

Those leaving the Ebola hot zones heading for the United States should be examined before they board the plane. This administration wants the arriving passengers who were in or near the Ebola hot zones examined here after they arrive in the United States. One sneeze along the way from a sick person could infect up to 200 passengers. Whoever created this rule is dumb-da-dumb-dumb.

Lifelong Democrat-Conservative and radio talk show host Bob Just recognizes the failures of President Obama and the Democrat party. He came up with a unique solution which he pushed on his show starting several weeks before Nov. 5. He encouraged his listeners to stay home on Election Day.

“Refrain from voting,” he said. “Democrats conflicted over the direction of their party and of the country under their party’s current leadership should strike.”

He went on to say that the Democratic Party needs a boycott of the next few elections.”

Okay, gang. Is what Mr. Just said intelligent or is it dumb-da-dumb-dumb?

The fact is President Obama has skipped nearly 60 percent of his daily intel briefings. What? Is that very smart? Of course not. It is dumb-da-dumb-dumb.

Debbie Wsserman-Schultz says that the GOP is scarier than ISIS or EBOLA.


Maybe to you Debbie. To the rest of us, what you said is dumb-da-dumb-dumb.

Nikki Haley, the Republican governor of South Carolina, was called a “whore” by Vincent Sheheen, her Democrat opponent. He tried to walk it back but I, along with millions of Americans who watch television, listened to it more than once just to make sure we heard it right. Sheheen lost credibility, respect, and he lost the election because he isdumb-da-dumb-dumb.

The punch line and headline of a story in the Chicago Tribune shouted “Even terrorists have a right to citizenship.”

Huh? You are a pretty good newspaper, but right now what you are singing is dumb-da-dumb-dumb.

The result of the midterm elections is a repudiation of Obama, Holder, and liberalism. I waited a long time to say this. Wait for it. Wait for it. It is coming.

It’s Obama’s fault!

Those of my friends who disagree with me are dumb-da-dumb-dumb.

Many years ago I formed a corporation and went into business. I worked long hours and as the corporation showed an increase in profit I hired another employee or two. After a few years I had 25 mostly wonderful people working for me. My small business created 25 jobs.

Three weeks before the recent election, Hillary was making a speech in Massachusetts.

She shouted, “Don’t let anybody tell you that corporations and businesses create jobs.”


Who creates then? The job fairy?

I am StanG‌ershb‌ein@B‌ellSo‌uth.net asking you to join me. All together now. Dumb-da-dumb-dumb!

Read Stan Gershbein’s column every Monday on Brook‌lynDa‌ily.com.