
Standing O says, ‘Mazel tov!’

Standing O says, ‘Mazel tov!’

Coney Island

Congratulations to Marina Davydov on her appointment as the new director at the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island Haber House Senior Center.

Rabbi Moshe Wiener, the executive director, let Standing O know how excited he is to have her on board.

“I welcome Marina Davydov to Haber House and wish her success,” he said. “I know she will further expand the scope and quality of services being offered to our largely Russian refugee and Holocaust survivor populations.”

Standing O pal Marina succeeds Etty Friedman who recently moved to Lakewood, N.J. after serving as director for more than 20 years.

Marina, who is fluent in English, Russian and Hebrew, is experienced in crisis intervention, having served as a social worker at the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty. She also has degrees in sociology-psychology and social work, and served as an intensive psychiatric rehabilitation technician for Federation Employment and Guidance Services.

Standing O wishes Marina success, and Etty Friedman a happy retirement.

Haber House [3024 W. 24th St. and Surf Avenue in Coney Island, (718) 372–5775].

Prospect Lefferts Gardens

SAGE news

The Brooklyn Institute of Liberal Arts is in a class of its own for being one of three winners of the first Teach to Read challenge, a nationwide give-back contest hosted by Corwin, a SAGE company, established in 1990.

The competition was designed to bolster literacy professional development opportunities for teachers in Title I schools.

Brooklyn Institute of Liberal Arts was chosen for its efforts to improve literacy for all students and emphasizing that 90 percent of its student population was comprised of recent immigrants from the Caribbean.

Mike Soules, president at Corwin, commented on the win.

“I commend the teachers and administrators at Brooklyn Institute of Liberal Arts for their dedication to improving literacy skills for their many students,” he said. “Literacy is critically important to students’ success both during school and beyond, which is why Corwin is committed to supporting educators in their continued efforts to improve outcomes for all students.”

The school’s principal Anne Marie Henry-Stephens said the facility helped many students who are behind in grade-level reading and struggling with learning.

“Our mission is to help students who are dramatically underrepresented in higher education attend and graduate from college,” she said. “One of the keys to preparing our students for the rigors of post-secondary work is through improving their literacy and this professional development will help us better serve our students.”

The school will receive the new Fisher & Frey Close and Critical Reading PD Resource program.
Brooklyn Institute of Liberal Arts [600 Kingston Ave. at Winthrop Street in Prospect Lefferts Gardens, (718) 221–1097].

Park Slope

Always be prepared

Good wishes are sent to Peter and Kathy Fraenza. The do-gooding scout volunteers were honored for their 60-plus years of commitment to the Boy Scouts of America. The Greater New York Councils of the Boy Scouts of America presented the pair with an official certificate and Scout badge at its annual dinner on June 18 in Bergen Beach.

Peter is the longest continuously active Scoutmaster for Troop 22, located in Park Slope and was the youngest Scoutmaster ever appointed. He has been involved with the Scouts since 1955, when he joined as a tenderfoot Scout at the age of 11, and become Scoutmaster in 1968. He continued to serve as Scoutmaster for 28 years before entering his current role as treasurer of the Troop Committee.

Through Scouting, Peter met his lovely wife Kathy, who joined Scouting in 1965 as a den mother. She served in that capacity for four years and as district finance chairwoman, activities chairwoman, and then vice chairwoman of the V Bridges District. She is currently serving as the vice chairwoman of Troop 22.

The Fraenzas can now add a Standing O to the mantle as well.

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