
Sunset prowler on the loose

Sunset prowler on the loose

Police are looking for the bandit who nabbed $1,000 from a Fourth Avenue grocery store early Monday morning.

The burglar snuck into the store near 17th Street at about 2 a.m. on July 22, when he swiped the cash and assorted items — including a few packs of cigarettes — before fleeing, authorities reported.

Anyone who provides police with information leading to an arrest can expect up to a $2,500 reward through the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers program. The public can phone their tips to (800) 577-8477, log into the Crime Stoppers website at www.nypdcrimestoppers.com, tweet @NYPDTips, or text tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577.

All calls are strictly confidential.

Reach reporter Rose Adams at radams@schnepsmedia.com or by calling (718) 260–8306.