
Suspect cuffed after police recover abandoned infant at PLG construction site

Suspect cuffed after police recover abandoned infant at PLG construction site
Photo by Brianna Kudisch

Cops arrested a suspect after passersby reported spotting an abandoned baby boy at a Prospect-Lefferts Gardens construction site on Tuesday.

The big-hearted tipsters told police they spotted the infant alone at the New York Avenue worksite near Lenox Road around 8:20 am, according to Police Department spokeswoman Sgt. Jessica McRorie, who said officers then recovered the child.

McRorie, however, did not reply to multiple inquiries about who abandoned the boy, and whom officers cuffed in relation to the incident, or what charges they issued.

But the New York Daily News reported the child’s mother left him at the site, where she allegedly arrived without notice and started yelling and cursing at workers before collapsing on the floor. The mom fled the scene when she heard the passersby call the cops, and officers later arrested her a block away from the construction site, according to the Daily News report, which cites law-enforcement sources.

Paramedics transported the boy to Kings County Hospital, according to McRorie, who said he showed no visible injuries or obvious signs of trauma.

Officers brought his mother to the same hospital’s psychiatric wing following her arrest, the Daily News reported, but McRorie did not reply to questions regarding her status, and said authorities’ investigation into the incident is ongoing.

Reach reporter Julianne McShane at (718) 260–2523 or by e-mail at jmcshane@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @juliannemcshane.