
Swindler tricks man into using his bank card to rob him

62nd Precinct

Bensonhurst—Bath Beach

Cash machine con

Some swindler tricked a man and stole cash from him at an 86th Street bank on July 17, cops say.

The victim told police he was using an automated teller machine in the bank near Bay Parkway around 8:30 pm, while the sneak used the cash dispenser next to him.

Cops say the crook pretended to be having trouble with the machine, and asked the victim to insert his card in the machine to see if it worked. When the victim complied, the lout entered the victim’s pin number, which he had observed when the victim entered it previously, and withdrew $700 before the victim knew what happened, before fleeing down 86th Street, according to the report.

Brutal assault

A brute assaulted a man on Bay Parkway on July 18, police say.

Cops say the suspect beat a 63-year-old man with an unknown weapon near W. Ninth Street around 4 pm, causing a sinus fracture, brain bleeding, and loss of air to brain. The victim was taken to Maimonides Hospital in critical condition, the report says.

Through the basement window

A burglar robbed an apartment on 78th Street on July 19, police say.

The victim told cops he went to sleep with his window open in his apartment near 18th Avenue around 1 am, and when he woke up, found the window closed. He also found his cellphone and wallet missing, the report states.

Bag o’ cash

A snake stole thousands from a construction worker on 17th Avenue on July 13, police say.

The victim told cops he set down his backpack while he was bringing down boxes from a site near Benson Avenue around 9:10 am. When he came outside, he noticed his bag, which contained $5,000, was missing, police say.

— BenV Verde