
Swingers! Jazz Age Party creators throw ’30s ball in Fort Greene

Swingers! Jazz Age Party creators throw ’30s ball in Fort Greene
Driely S

The jazz ’20s are out and the swinging ’30s are in!

The folks behind the much beloved Jazz Age Lawn Party that takes place annually on Governor’s Island are throwing another throwback party in Fort Greene on Dec. 13. But unlike the summer event, which channels the spirit of 1920s, the Winter Ball is a celebration of the fashion and music of the 1930s and 1940s, an organizer explained.

“It is a much more elegant affair,” said co-organizer Gin Minsky. “There are elaborate costumes and set pieces. It is something you do not see anymore in New York City.”

This is the sixth year the Winter Ball has been held, but the first time the shindig will be in Brooklyn instead of Manhattan. This time, it will held at the Irondale Center, a cavernous two-tiered ballroom in Fort Greene.

“We have a whole crew from Barney’s who will be coming in to do our displays,” said Minsky. “We put a lot of time and effort into totally transforming the space.”

The entertainment for the evening will include Minsky’s tap-dancing duo the Minsky Sisters, big band Michael Arenella and His Dreamland Orchestra and Roddy and Gretchen Caravella, who play holiday ballroom dance duets.

But just as entertaining will be the array of costumes worn by not only the performers, but all of the guests, many of whom aim to outdo each other with their vintage wear, Minsky said.

“We want it to have as much vintage spirit as possible,” she said. “Consider this a black tie affair.”

The Sixth Annual Winter Ball at the Irondale Center [85 S. Oxford St. between Lafayette Avenue and Fulton Street in Fort Greene, www.winte‌rball‌14.brown‌paper‌ticke‌ts.com] Dec. 13 at 8 pm. $150, ticket includes dinner and cocktails.

Reach reporter Danielle Furfaro at dfurf‌aro@c‌ngloc‌al.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow her at twitt‌er.com/‌Danie‌lleFu‌rfaro.