
Talk about a beer bar!

Talk about a beer bar!
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

The best way to wash away your beer stench after a night of drinking is — more beer.

The Brooklyn Brewery has teamed up with a Williamsburg soap maker to sell artisanal soap made from lager and ale.

Soapsmith’s Dan Calig approached the N. 11th Street brewery earlier this year for a few sample brews after a few experimental batches of Guinness resulted in dry, brittle bars.

“I have made beer soap before, the process was not hard, but with every beer comes different ingredients and sugar levels,” said Calig. “It comes down to fine tuning to do what you need it to do.”

Initially skeptical, brewmasters threw him a six-pack of chocolate stout and he came back three weeks later with 90 bars, which were put into packages of three each that resemble the company’s beer cans.

“I use it, it really does foam up and it smells really good,” said Brooklyn Brewery’s Glenn Severance.

So far the bars have been flying off the gift shop’s shelves and the brewery has tripled its soap order, sending Calig a case of the good stuff.

But Calig swears he hasn’t been drinking any of the raw materials.

“We consider that business beer,” said Calig.

The soap is edible, but it doesn’t smell or taste like beer and it definitely won’t get you drunk, said Severance, who recommends just using it to wash yourself.

And at $10 for a three-pack, it’s makes a great Mother’s Day present.

“Every mom wants soap made out of beer,” said Severance.

Brooklyn Brewery [79 N. 11th St. between Berry Street and Wythe Avenue in Williamsburg, (718) 486-7422].