
Teaching tots: Kings County kids learn about feminism

Teaching tots: Kings County kids learn about feminism
Photo by Caroline Ourso

Kings County tots between the ages of 2 and 4 studied the accomplishments and crafts of great women at a feminism class for kids held in Prospect-Lefferts Gardens last week.

The March 27 event for Brooklyn’s smallest feminists — who donned shirts that read “little feminist” and “the future is mine” — featured some light lectures on history’s top gals, including Frida Kahlo and Michelle Obama. But the women’s empowerment lesson took a backseat to arts, crafts, and adorableness, according to the pint-sized pupils’ strong, female instructor.

“They’re so cute!” said Vanessa Raptopoulos, owner of the Awesome Brooklyn gift shop at 617 Flatbush Ave. “We just thought it would be fun for kids.”

The event kicked off with a brief history of Kahlo and her status as a feminist icon, before the kids dug into Raptopoulos’s stash of crayons and colored pencils, and drew pictures of the famed Mexican artist — although the kids employed a decidedly more conservative style than the Central American painter’s, according to Raptopoulos.

“There were no nudes,” she explained.

And for Obama, the kids planted flowers in emulation of the First Lady’s White House garden, laying seeds in egg crates which they later took home to watch grow, according to the purveyor of novelties.

Throughout the event, Toons for Tots entertainer Hannah Moore regaled her diminutive audience with songs related to the event’s feminist theme, including “De Colores” for Kahlo and “Zoom to the Moon” in honor of female astronauts.

How much the pint-sized pupils really learned about feminism and the struggle for women’s equality is anyone’s guess, but kids are never too young to learn about the great gals of history, according to one mom.

“My daughter is only 2 years old, but the more she’s exposed to these positive images, it will benefit her in the long run,” said Erica Thomas Collier, who brought daughter Cyan.

Reach reporter Colin Mixson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4505.