
The Boody Blues: School’s genre-bending concert draws scores

The Boody Blues: School’s genre-bending concert draws scores
Photo by Steve Solomonson

It was standing room only at David Boody Junior High School’s annual winter concert on Jan. 22.

So, when it came time to clap, many in the packed house couldn’t help but give a standing ovation to the students and teachers of IS 228 who sang and played a fusion of classical, rock, and pop tunes as part of the school’s yearly fund-raiser performance — but the performers earned it, one music teacher said.

“We’re doing high-school level performance with these kids,” said wind and percussion teacher James Chiarello.

The school’s jazz band, chorus, and orchestras all performed — including a 100-piece symphony orchestra.

Proceeds from the concert will help fund the institution’s magnet music program, which serves upwards of 400 kids, he said. The principal could not provide fund-raising totals by press time.

The school held the concert in December until 2013, when it had no room because it was hosting kids from other schools displaced by Hurricane Sandy. Now it’s keeping the January tradition alive to ease pressure on families during the busy holiday season, the school’s parent-teacher association president said.

“Having it in January allows our families to enjoy the concert without the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and allows past students to attend without conflicting holiday performance schedules,” said Heather Ann Fiorica. “It’s really wonderful to see the high school kids return to Boody and tell us how their doing.”

Reach reporter Max Jaeger at mjaeg‌er@cn‌gloca‌l.com or by calling (718) 260–8303. Follow him on Twitter @JustTheMax.
High-class low end: A cellist bass tones give the orchestra some oomph.
Photo by Steve Solomonson