
The lizard of ha’s!: Comedy show blows lid off reptile conspiracy

The lizard of ha’s!: Comedy show blows lid off reptile conspiracy
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

It’s the comedy show Big Lizard doesn’t want you to know about!

The creators of the Lizard People of New York Facebook page are spilling the beans about our secret reptilian overlords at a monthly comedy show, next happening on April 15 at the Tender Trap bar. The parody account — and the show — mashes up the wholesome “Humans of New York” photo series of everyday urbanites with the conspiracy theory that shape-shifting lizard people are in control of all world events. And the last presidential election has made the idea that politicians are secret reptilians seem almost plausible, said one of the show’s co-hosts.

“Lizard People is sort of tied into politics and pop culture inherently. We’re not huge political comedians but just by the nature of the topic, we end up talking a lot about Donald Trump,” said comedian Jeremy Kaplowitz, who lives in Manhattan. “Unfortunately, I’d rather it not.”

At each show, Kaplowitz and co-host Mike Amory invite a Lizard Person Correspondent, played by Liam O’Malley, to give the lowdown on the latest happenings in the world of the cold-blooded conspiracy — which seems to be getting wilder by the day.

“Things have gotten so crazy in the world that lizard people can kind of do anything they want with reality,” said Mike Amory, who lives in Park Slope. “Before they had to be careful, because if they did anything too outlandish people may catch on — but now with how crazy the news is, they can do whatever they want.”

The show also features a scripted sketch, usually featuring leaders of the lizard people, including Mike Pence, Ben Carson, or President Trump. The show may have a political bent, but the point is really to bring fans of the silly conspiracy theory together under one roof, said Amory.

“We have political sketches, so obviously you have a little bit of an underlying agenda about why you’re making certain jokes, but I would say the number one thing is we want to entertain people and make them laugh,” he said. “I really like the idea of forming communities around a shared enjoyment of something. The more you come to the show, the more you get to know us and get to know these crazy things we find interesting.”

Lizard People Comedy Show at the Tender Trap [66 Greenpoint Ave. between West and Franklin streets in Greenpoint, (347) 763–1825, www.tendertrapbk.com]. April 15 at 8 pm. Free.

Reach reporter Julianne Cuba at (718) 260–4577 or by e-mail at jcuba@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @julcuba.