
The new pornographers: Bushwick artists hosting smut fest

Homeward bound: Vegans rescue unloved animals — seriously unloved
Jake Dibeler


Bushwick art space Secret Project Robot is hosting a porn festival in the last weekend of February, and an organizer who is soliciting submissions says anything goes.

“We are open to everything,” said Simon Leahy — and she means everything. “I would like to see some cool, weird fetish-anime stuff alongside hot orgies.”

In addition to X-rated-film screenings, the weekend-long blowout is set to include sex workshops, demonstrations, and after-party mixers for tingly-feeling cineastes looking to mingle. The point of the whole affair, according to Leahy, who also puts on the annual drag festival Bushwig, is to support low-budget pornographers and showcase the whole spectrum of kink and gender that is out there.

“Porn is something that we all consume, but there is no forum or place in which to have these discussions or in which to share,” she said. “I want to create a platform for that.”

Leahy is still accepting submissions, and the titles we sampled are, shall we say, not conventionally sexy.

One aspiring smut peddler is working on an anthology of “horror-porn,” featuring such disturbing scenes as a woman slicing off her own breast, another biting off a man’s penis, and a third losing her teeth while engaging in some extreme oral sex. The man behind the lens said his love of horror movies and porn made his submission a no-brainer.

“It is like the ultimate thrill,” said Bushwick director Jake Dibeler. “I have always been a bit of a sadomasochist. I am afraid of spiders and I have a pet tarantula. I want to feel that anxiety.”

But don’t worry. No appendages were lost in the making of Dibeler’s movies. The skin-ephile commissioned a veritable “Gray’s Anatomy” of prostheses for the project.

A few Brooklynites have already submitted flicks that are not exactly porn, but are definitely raunchy and bizarre.

One Park Slope animator turned in a few titles, including “Boob-atary,” about a woman who types with her pendulous breasts.

“I have been making animated films for years and I am a pervert, so this is perfect for me,” Leah Shore said. “What is not to like about cartoon boobs?”

Leahy will accept submissions through Jan. 10. Visit www.nycpo‌rnfil‌mfest‌ival.com for details.

Reach reporter Danielle Furfaro at dfurf‌aro@c‌ngloc‌al.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow her at twitt‌er.com/‌Danie‌lleFu‌rfaro.
Useful appendages: Park Slope animator Leah Shore makes comically not-safe-for-work short films, such as this film, “Boob-a-tary,” about a woman who types with her breasts.
Leah Shore