
Thief swipes grocery employee’s laptop

78th Precinct

Park Slope

Laptop leech

A thief snatched a man’s laptop from his shopping cart in a grocery store on 12th Street on Nov. 29, cops said.

The 38-year-old employee said he was stocking two shelves in the business near Hamilton Place with soda from 1:02 pm to 1:30 pm and left his computer unsupervised in the shopping cart.

Video footage shows the perp pushing a shopping cart with the laptop and other items to the front of the store, where he fled with the concealed computer.


A thief stole a man’s wallet after he left it in a Sixth Street hospital cafeteria on Nov. 29, police said.

The man said that after he paid for his meal at the cafe bewteen Seventh and Eighth avenues, got some napkins, and sat down at 9:30 am, he realized he did not have his wallet, which contained a debit card and MetroCard.

He went back to where the napkins were, and his wallet was gone. No one turned it in.

Loot at the library

A criminal stole a woman’s car parked outside the Brooklyn Public Library in Grand Army Plaza sometime between Nov. 11 and Nov. 25, cops said.

The 35-year-old woman said she parked her Volvo near Eastern Parkway on Nov. 11 at 8 pm and when she returned at 5 pm on Nov. 25, the car was gone. There was no shattered glass in the spot and the woman said she had no parking violations.

They saw a saw

Two men stole a saw from a van parked on Sackett Street on Nov. 27, police said.

A 26-year-old man and 57-year-old woman said they saw two men stealing a Sawzall from the Ford van parked between Third Avenue and Nevins Street at 6:50 pm. The perps then fled the scene in a black car.

The van’s door was locked, but it had been damaged before, according to police.

Thief in the closet

A crafty criminal stole a woman’s wallet as she was shopping at a vintage store on Fifth Avenue on Nov. 27, cops said.

The 30-year-old woman said she used her credit card at at the shop near Second Avenue, went to another store, and noticed her wallet was missing, including two debit cards and one credit card.

The debit card was used two times at Sterling Grapes and Grains on Fifth Avenue between Butler and Baltic streets, and twice at Keyfood on Fifth Avenue between Sterling Place and Baltic Street. The perp also charged $645.50 to her credit card.

Grocery guy

A thief swiped a woman’s cellphone and $400 from her backpack after as she loaded groceries at a store on Atlantic Avenue on Nov. 27, cops said.

The 56-year-old woman said she put her bag down at the establishment near Flatbush Avenue around 8:55 pm when a man picked her bag — stealing her debit card, Mastercard, and license. Surveillance footage is too grainy to identify a suspect, and no one else witnessed it, cops said.

Mac Attack

A band of burglars ransacked a woman’s Fifth Avenue apartment on Nov. 29, stealing her two MacBooks and flatscreen television, cops said.

The 25-year-old woman said the criminals must have entered her apartment between 12th and 13th streets sometime between 9:30 am and 9:15 pm. When she returned to her residence, she noticed that her door was open and pieces of the lock were left on the ground. Her gold bracelet and gold earrings were also gone.

The victim also said the perps took a knife from her kitchen and left it in one of the bedrooms. Her two roommates were not home at the time.

99-cent crime

A woman took off with another woman’s wallet at a Fifth Avenue 99-cent store on Nov. 25, police said.

The 41-year-old victim said she left her wallet next to the counter at the store between 14th and 15th streets after paying. A man at the store found her wallet and gave it to the clerk, who asked another woman if it was hers.

The phony owner claimed it and took off with the victim’s wallet, containing $110 and a debit card.

Golden guy

A perp stole a man’s gold bangles as he was shopping at a department store on Flatbush Avenue on Nov. 29, cops said.

The 34-year-old man said he was trying on shoes in the men’s department of the chain near Atlantic Avenue between 7:30 and 8:20 pm when the criminal went into his shopping cart and took his jewelry.

— Megan Riesz

Reach reporter Thomas Tracy at ttracy@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2525.