
Thief uses man’s credit card info to buy plane ticket

63rd Precinct

Marine Park—Mill Basin—Flatlands—Bergen Beach

Catch me if you can

A fraudster used stolen credit card details of an Avenue T man to purchase an airplane ticket on March 6.

The victim, who never physically lost possession of the card, reported an unknown $669.03 charge to an airline, as well as two other mystery charges for $7.99. The victim reported the incident from his home on March 29, said cops.

Subsequent investigation showed the airline purchase was for a seat on a Miami-bound flight from Chile, according to police.

Credit card thief

A con artist stole banking information of an E. 65th Street to make numerous purchases throughout March.

The 62-year-old victim, who lives on between 56th and Nation drives, reported on March 31 several unknown charges to her bank card totalling $1,491, according to cops.

Lottery loser

A robber stole $4,501 worth of lottery tickets from an Avenue U convenience store on March 27.

The perp got into an argument with a clerk at the store near Hendrickson Street at 10 p.m. before pushing the lottery display over, grabbing the tickets, and fleeing, according to cops.

Car shopping

A burglar broke into a car parked on Utica Avenue on March 28 and stole $7,399 worth of property.

The victim told policehe parked near Flatlands Avenue at approximately 10 p.m. and entered a nearby electronics store. When the 33-year-old victim returned 30 minutes later, he found the passenger-side window broken, police reported.

The perp made off with a laptop, headphones, camera, and a backpack, according to cops.

— Aidan Graham