
‘This was the best one yet’: Seniors celebrate Father’s Day early in Flatbush

‘This was the best one yet’: Seniors celebrate Father’s Day early in Flatbush
Trey Pentecost

The holidays can be a rough time for some elders, but the Renaissance Adult Day Care Center in Flatbush made sure that their seniors experienced their best Father’s Day yet with an early celebration for the ages.

Around 75 men and women gathered to celebrate Father’s Day at the senior facility — located at 2625 Bedford Ave. — on June 12, when the seniors strutted down the runway for a fashion show and danced to the beat of steel drums.

Mercedes Narcisse, an employee at the Renaissance Adult Day Care Center, said the facility ensured its members experienced a cultural friendly celebration that was focused on fathers and their friends present.

“We made sure to treat the men with respect and love because they often complain they are forgotten on Father’s Day. As a mother and woman, I have to agree with them,” Narcisse said.

There was plenty of crowd-pleasing food on the menu, with favorites including black rice, mac and cheese, steamed fish, jerk chicken, rice and beans, various salads and some cake.

Two seniors dance down the catwalk at the Renaissance Adult Day Services center in Brooklyn.
Trey Pentecost

Staffers kept the seniors entertained with poems, stories, and songs about fatherhood.

Narcisse said that the event received amazing feedback from seniors and their friends.

“The men who can hardly walk were even up dancing to the steel drum beats. I had one 70-year-old man tell me that out of all the Father’s Days he has celebrated in his life, this was the best one yet,” Narcisse said.

After the celebration was over Renaissance made sure to continue the love by providing the seniors with gifts of appreciation, including items such as socks and coffee mugs, according to Narcisse.

Reach reporter Chandler Kidd at ckidd@schenpsmedia.com or by calling (718) 260–2525. Follow her at twitter.com/ChanAnnKidd.
Seniors and friends are seen dancing in celebration of Father’s Day at the Renaisance Adult Day Center.
Trey Pentecost