
Thrown to the wolves: Live wolf will be special guest at film screening

Thrown to the wolves: Live wolf will be special guest at film screening
Rebecca Bose

Here is one wolf even Little Riding Hood could get along with.

Videology is hosting a diplomatic summit of wild proportions on Dec. 7, when Atka, New Yord’s most well-traveled and even-tempered wolf ambassador, visits the Williamsburg bar-theater for a special screening of an arctic wolf-themed episode of the BBC’s “Frozen Planet” series.

“He’s the most professional beast, humans included, I’ve every worked with,” said Maggie Howell, executive director at the New York Wolf Conservation Center.

Atka — who, at 11-years-old, might be turning grey if not for his white, arctic coat — is, without a doubt, one handsome creature. But a wolf cannot survive on looks alone, and Howell said it is Atka’s calm demeanor and easy temper that makes him particularly well suited to working amongst humans.

In fact, Atka is probably the least wolf-like wolf Howell has ever seen in her eight years working at the conservation center.

“I call him our best wolf teacher, but also our weirdest wolf,” she said.

Not only is Atka unusually comfortable around people, he enjoys traveling and does not throw a fit when you put a leash on him — traits that the other wolves, even other ambassador wolves, at the upstate conservation center do not share.

“Under no circumstance will the other wolves do anything Atka does,” Howell explained. “He’s just a strange guy and really meant for this role.”

At the Videology event, human ambassadors from the Wolf Conservation Center will talk about the dangers human encroachment poses to wolves in the wild. But there is no doubt that Atka will be the star of the show.

“I want people to understand what’s going on in our country with wolves,” said Howell. “But we’ll be specifically talk about Atka; how he’s adapted to live in the high arctic and hopefully open the minds of Brooklyn residents to this amazing beast.”

Meet Atka and see “Frozen Planet” at Videology [308 Bedford Ave. between South First and South Second streets in Williamsburg, (718) 782–3468, www.videology.info] Dec. 7 at 2 pm, $25.

Reach reporter Colin Mixson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4514.