
TONIGHT: Weigh in on plans for Fort Greene Park revamp

Neighbors feel left out of Ft. Greene Park makeover

Weigh in on plans to makeover Fort Greene Park at a community meeting on Wednesday night with Brooklyn Parks Commissioner Marty Maher.

The green agency’s new head will listen to residents’ thoughts on a proposal for the Parks Without Borders program that was revealed in February, angering many locals who said it only caters to the rich and ignores longtime denizens, who claim they were left out of the planning process.

The program allots $7 million for a makeover of the greensward, including clearing a path to the Prison Ship Martyrs’ Monument by eliminating a stone wall and some granite platforms, and adding wheelchair ramps and a “water feature.”

Have your say at Ingersoll Community Center (177 Myrtle Ave. at Prince St. in Fort Greene). May 3 at 7 pm.

Reach reporter Lauren Gill at lgill@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow her on Twitter @laurenk_gill