
Turf war: The people speak

Turf war: The people speak
The Brooklyn Paper / Evan Gardner

Sometimes even the big boys can be pretty childish. The endless war between the city government and the feds for parking spaces on Cadman Plaza East got its own DMZ last week when city workers sprayed a big white line right across the street. One side will be reserved for city cars, the other for federal workers. The Cold War seems sensible enough, but some area residents think the whole thing is nuts.

“I thought the Feds had jurisdiction over the city. Couldn’t they just share the street? Whoever gets there first should be able to park. It seems like typical politician stuff.”
Charles Woodley
The Brooklyn Paper / Evan Gardner

— Interviews and photos by Evan Gardner

“It’s silly, and over something so small. There are so many bigger issues that they could be dealing with instead of this.”
Stephany Martinez

“You’d think they had better things to do. It’s really silly.”
Alfred Bellarosa
The Brooklyn Paper / Evan Gardner