
Vandals deface Black Lives Matter murals previously painted over in Gowanus

Someone spray painted over two parts of a sprawling Black Lives Matter mural in Gowanus to suggest the phrase “All Lives Matter.”
Photo by Ben Verde

Vandals defaced a pair of adjoining Black Lives Matter murals in Gowanus by spray painting the common refrain “All Lives Matter” over the block-long works of art. 

The canvases, which live on a construction fence near Union Street and Fourth Avenue, depict a young sign-holding Black girl, along with a block-text signage of the “Black Lives Matter” slogan — but the scofflaws used red paint to scribble the word “All” in several places over the word “Black.” 

The construction site is owned by developer Avery Hall, who lamented the vandalism and promised to reach out to the local artists who painted the murals to discuss restoring the art.

“We are very proud of the work that local artists have done at our site to support the Black Lives Matter movement, and do not condone this act,” said Avery Hall rep Brian Ezra.

The word “All” was spray-painted over the word “Black” to suggest the phrase “All Lives Matter.”Photo by Ben Verde

It isn’t the first time the murals have been disrupted, as an Avery Hall contractor mistakenly painted over the original murals — which Ezra described as a “gargantuan misunderstanding.”

Other large murals depicting Black Lives Matter signage across the city have also been frequent targets of defacing — such as the city-sponsored mural in front of Trump Tower in Manhattan, which has been vandalized at least five times. In one instance, a lawbreaker covered the yellow text in red paint, and on another occasion, two conservative provocateurs injured a policeman while being arrested for sprawling black over the painting.

The mural’s artist could not be reached for comment.