
Cops cuff man after attempted kidnapping and bizarre break-in

Police removed a mentally-ill man after he tried to abduct a child and stabbed a woman with a fork in her apartment.
Video by Paul Martinka

Police removed an emotionally-disturbed man from Bedford-Stuyvesant on Wednesday after he allegedly attempted to kidnap a child, stabbed a woman with a fork, and then fondled himself, authorities said. 

The incident began at 3:39 pm when the man approached a woman walking with her child on Quincy Street and Stuyvesant Avenue and said, “What a cute baby.” He then grabbed the girl and tried to drag her with him, before a Good Samaritan intervened and released the young girl, according to officials. 

Following the scuffle, the emotionally-disturbed man ran into a nearby building on 680 Quincy Ave. and forced his way into an apartment where a woman was just entering, cops said. 

The woman tried to fight off the intruder, but he punched her in the face and knocked her to the ground. He then broke a window in her third-floor apartment, grabbed a fork from the kitchen, and stabbed her in both legs, police said. 

The woman said that he then stripped off his clothes and began fondling himself in front of her before running to the bathroom and jumping in her shower. 

The Good Samaritan who foiled the abduction had called police, and officers from the 81st Precinct arrived and entered the building. They found the wounded woman, who managed to flee on her own accord. She was taken to Kings County Hospital for treatment of injuries that were not life-threatening.

Law enforcement sources said Emergency Service cops got inside the victim’s apartment and grabbed the man in mid-shower.

Quincy Street turned into pandemonium as they brought out the man, who was chanting incomprehensibly. Some people on the street began yelling at police, believing the suspect was being treated improperly and not knowing what had occurred.

Police said the disturbed man was being treated for psychiatric issues and has not yet been charged in the case, pending further investigation.

The NYPD said he has a history of mental illness, and they were checking to see if he had recently stopped taking medication.

This story first appeared on AMNY.com.