
Video: Elderly pedestrian killed in Canarsie hit-and-run

car crash
Mourners gathered in Canarsie on Sunday after a 70-year-old woman was fatally struck by a car.
Photo by Todd Maisel

Police are hunting for the motorist behind a deadly hit-and-run that claimed the life of a 70-year-old woman in Canarsie on Friday.

Surveillance video shows the driver turning their black Nissan Maxima onto Flatlands Avenue at around 1 pm, when the motorist slammed into Maria Lorente, who was crossing the street at E. 78th Street. 

The motorist drove off before authorities arrived on the scene and took Lorente to Brookdale Hospital in Brownsville, where doctors pronounced her dead, according to police.

Mourners gathered at the home of Lorente’s family on Sunday, where Borough President Eric Adams pleaded for a witness, or an informant to come forward with answers. 

“I hope someone will pick up the phone and let us know what happened. The family is so traumatized,” said Borough President Eric Adams. “It is important we give the family support and help them to navigate the process of losing a loved one in a tragic way and an unimaginable pain, just blocks from their house.”

Lorente — a Florida resident, who was visiting her family in Brooklyn for the holidays — was just steps from her son’s home at the time of her demise, according to her grieving child.

“My mother was 70 years old, and she lived a good life, but she still had more years — she was a go getter and happy person,” said Jose Tapanes.

Lorente’s death marks the second hit-and-run fatality of a pedestrian in New York City this year. 

Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) . The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website or on Twitter @NYPDTips. 

All calls are strictly confidential.