
Vox Pop

Vox Pop
All photos by Ricky Barlin

New York University’s proposed takeover of Polytechnic University in Downtown Brooklyn appears to be moving ahead. But before the Manhattan-based institution devours one of our own, we asked people on campus what they thought of the NYU-Poly deal.

“Most important is whether this merger actually provides the resources necessary for students to professionally develop because the biggest problem with many Poly students is that they’re not professionals.” — Jose Garcia, computer engineering major

“It’s gonna be an advantage for students but it’s just a shame that the history has to disappear.” — Jesse Heimowitz, construction management major

“I want to take classes there, so as long as I’m not financially hurt by it, it’s good.” — Derrick Maryman, computer engineering major

“Graduating from NYU is better than saying you graduated from Polytechnic University.” — Yves Rugasaguhunga, civil engineering major

“It’s a good thing to have a good affiliation with the school that’s well known and a local affiliation that will do well for us.” — Joseph Lathan, program manager of ePoly