
Water co. scam!

ConEd men

Cops are spreading the word about two con men who have been talking their way into people’s homes and pretending to be utility workers as a ruse to steal money.

There have been several sightings, but only one reported crime so far:

On Nov. 25, the thug team stole $300 worth of jewelry from a home on Vanderbilt Street between Prospect Avenue and Prospect Park Southwest.

Cops say the men rang the doorbell at 12:30 pm and told the elderly resident that they were from the Water Department and needed to check the pipes.

While one perp distracted the 90-year old man in the basement, the other went upstairs and ransacked the house.

Cops counseled residents to call 911 if anyone claiming to be from a utility company tries to enter your home without a prior appointment.

Mirror gall

A 17-year old kid apparently thought it would be funny to kick the side mirrors off several cars on Seeley Street on Nov. 29, but his night of revelry ended in lockup.

Two witnesses told cops they saw the teen going from car to car between Prospect Avenue and Temple Court, starting at 12:30 am. The witnesses also told cops that they had seen the hoodlum smashing mirrors at other locations as well.

As The Brooklyn Paper has reported, this kind of crime is a big problem in the Windsor Terrace portion of the 72nd Precinct.

— Evan Gardner