
Weekend Reads: Booksellers give us their recommendations

Weekend Reads: Booksellers give us their recommendations

Community Bookstore’s pick: “Floating Coast,” by Bathsheba Demuth

In this rich portrait of the ecology and geopolitics of the Bering Strait, Demuth draws on the human and nonhuman histories of this liminal border zone: between continents, economies, and ideologies. In finely rendered prose, Demuth excavates the legacy of resource extraction, both via the indigenous Yupik peoples and outsiders; from 19th century whalers to the cold war behemoths of Russia and the United States. An essential work, both urgent and timeless.

— Samuel Partal, Community Bookstore [43 Seventh Ave. between Carroll Street and Garfield Place in Park Slope, (718) 783–3075, www.communitybookstore.net].

Greenlight Bookstore’s pick: “Permission to Feel,” by Marc Brackett

I keep finding myself referring to this highly prescriptive book in conversations, similar to the way I did when I read Susan Cain’s “Quiet.” Using the author’s “RULER” technique (which is explained in the book — no spoilers!) breaks down how we identify, accept, and navigate not just our emotions, but other’s feelings as well. The book ostensibly addresses children and their emotional lives, but while I began reading it with my son in mind, I am reading it just as much (possibly moreso) for myself.

— Rebecca Fitting, Greenlight Bookstore [686 Fulton St. between S. Elliott Place and S. Portland Avenue in Fort Greene, (718) 246–0200, www.greenlightbookstore.com].

Word’s picks: “Cold Storage,” by David Koepp

A fun science thriller with a great touch of humor in the writing. David Koepp hits a perfect balance of tension and character development in this story of an out-of-control fungus that could wipe out all life on the planet if it gets loose.

— Will Olsen, Word [126 Franklin St. at Milton Street in Greenpoint, (718) 383–0096, www.wordbookstores.com].