
Woman punches stranger on Wyckoff Street

76th Precinct

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Stranger danger

Police arrested a woman for allegedly punching a stranger on Wyckoff Street on June 30.

The victim told authorities that the woman approached her between Bond and Hoyt streets at 4:50 p.m. and punched her several times in the arm. When police arrived, the defendant allegedly lied about her name and date of birth, and police charged her with false impersonation and assault, authorities report.

Workplace dispute

Cops cuffed a man for allegedly socking his co-worker on July 1 during their shift on King Street.

The victim said that his co-worker punched him in his left shoulder blade at 1:09 p.m., while the two were working between Ferris and Conover streets, according to police. Cops arrested the defendant and charged him with assault and harassment, authorities report.

Watch out

A sneak thief snagged a vintage Hermes watch from a Van Brunt Street apartment building sometime between June 22 and 23.

The victim told cops that the bandit snagged the $695 watch from the hallway on the apartment building between Coffey and Pikeman streets sometime between noon on June 22 and 10:30 p.m. on June 23.

Car crook

A looter broke the window of a woman’s car on Bay Street on June 28, nabbing $700 worth of her stuff.

The victim told police that she returned to her car, parked on the corner of Bay and Court streets, at 2:30 p.m., and saw that the rear passenger’s side window of her 2011 Honda Pilot had been shattered. Police say that the bandit snatched the victim’s $600 iPhone, her credit card, and $100 of cash.

Not lovin’ it

A thief swiped an iPhone XS Max from the counter of a McDonald’s on Hamilton Avenue on June 24.

The teenaged victim told police that after filling his drink up at 3:37 p.m., he walked out of the fast food joint between Smith and Court streets, leaving his $999 iPhone on the counter. The teen said he turned back after walking ten steps, and saw the phone was gone, authorities report.

— Rose Adams