
Yip yip hooray! Red Hook pit bull honored after thwarting rape

Yip yip hooray! Red Hook pit bull honored after thwarting rape
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Who’s a good boy?

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals honored a pit bull puppy who thwarted a rape in a Red Hook park last month with a ceremony on Thursday afternoon, and the organizer says she hopes the celebrations will send a message to the world that the much-maligned breed is just misunderstood.

“I saw the news and said we have to do something because the breed is terribly discriminated against,” said Jean Shafiroff, a Manhattan philanthropist and animal rights activist who put together the ceremony.

Five-month-old Apollo and his human Maya Fairweather were out walking in the Red Hook Recreation Area on the evening of Nov. 28 when a perv grabbed her by her jacket and pushed her to the ground as he tried to pull down her pants, according to Fairweather.

But the pup stopped the predator in his tracks by running over and biting him in the leg, giving both Fairweather and Apollo a chance to run off.

The heroic hound was feted for his good deed by enjoying a limo ride to a Manhattan hotel, where he was greeted by a giant dog-food cake, treats and toys, and gift certificates for groomers and pet stores from Shafiroff.

Apollo ate up all the attention — not the mention the cake, Fairweather.

“I think he loved the attention, he was really excited,” she said.

Police say they’re still searching for the attempted rapist, who they say is a man in his 20s.

Reach reporter Lauren Gill at lgill@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow her on Twitter @laurenk_gill
Hero: Jean Shafiroff honored 5-month-old Apollo for rescuing his owner Maya Fairweather from a creep trying to rape her on Monday.
Photo by Stefano Giovannini