
You’ll be singin’ in the rain at this crazy karaoke party

You’ll be singin’ in the rain at this crazy karaoke party
Photo courtesy of LastNightsParty

It took years of blood, sweat, and amateur singing, but Union Hall is finally letting their karaoke crew throw a concert venue’s most dreaded and drenched event — the wet party.

Fortunately, the Karaoke Killed the Cat gang is taking all precautions to make sure that the liquid streams of Super-Soaker shots are pointed at the audience and not at the amps during their water fight extravaganza on June 22.

“There’s going to be a lot of water and a lot of electricity all in the same place,” said Chris Goldteeth, who founded the weekly karaoke bash. “But we’ll certainly be safe.”

This will be the second wet party that Goldteeth and his partner Lord Easy have hosted, but June’s event marks the first time at Union Hall since the group took up their Friday karaoke residency there about two-years-ago, proving how trusted the event organizers are in the eyes of Union Hall management.

“We had a blood party for Halloween there, and once we did that without trashing the place they gave us some more leeway.”

The core attraction of the event remains the same, with daring amateur vocalists tackling their favorite songs karaoke-style, but this particular event comes with a side of water gun fights — the audience is encouraged to bring their own Super-Soakers — and also includes one-on-one competitive apple bobbing, in a round robin tournament to prove who has the most accurate bite in Brooklyn.

“Bring your own water guns, bring your own towels, bring a bathing suit,” instructed Goldteeth. “And get ready to get wet!”

Karaoke Killed the Cat: Wet Party at Union Hall [702 Union St. between Fifth and Sixth avenues in Park Slope, (718) 638–4400, www.unionhallny.com]. June 22, midnight. Free.

Reach reporter Colin MIxson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4514.