
Young creatives get down and dirty

Young creatives get down and dirty
Photo by Jon Farina

Kids did their best Jackson Pollock impressions during I Am Art NYC at Industry City on Oct. 2.

The arts-and-crafts event let kids explore their artistic abilities, and it was a total mess — in the best way possible — one dad said.

“They had some paint on table and paper, and he had paint everywhere,” said William Warner said of 2 year–old son Xavier. “He had paint on his hands and his head.”

The two-day, family-friendly event included DJ lessons, storytelling, video games, hip-hop break-dancing, and art sculptures. Aspiring young artists got their own canvasses to paint on and even helped paint a mural.

One mom came from tony Westchester County to ensure her kids got to enjoy real, city art, she said.

“My daughter is an artist, and I thought she might like it and get to see the local artists too,” said Tamikha Sims, who brought her two children. “It was really cool that everyone had their own style, and my kids got to see different aspects of art.”

Giving children exposure to an artistic atmosphere goes a long way to helping them develop their own talents, Warner said.

“I like to give my kids the opportunity to experience something different to see if they enjoy it because that might spark something they might not know is there,” he said. “The teachers did a good job at showing them the different techniques and really appreciate that.”

Collaboration: Art director Alex Brunner works on a mural alongside kids.
Photo by Jon Farina