
Youngsters get free bike helmets

Youngsters get free bike helmets
Photo by Georgine Benvenuto

It’s safety first for these tykes on bikes!

Youngsters got to ride off with new, fitted bicycle helmets during a free helmet giveaway on Avenue P and Bedford Avenue on Aug. 27, sponsored by Councilman Chaim Deutsch (D–Midwood) and the Department of Transportation. Riding those two-wheelers is a fun activity, but it’s important that everyone, especially little kids, have their helmets safely fastened before pedaling off, said the legislator.

“Wearing a bike helmet reduces a bicyclist’s chances of getting a head injury by 85 percent. I allocated funding for the purchase of bike helmets and teamed up with the Department of Transportation and the NYPD to distribute hundreds of free, fitted helmets to children and adults,” said Deutsch. “Our event was a great success, and I was happy to see so many parents bringing their children to learn how important safety is.”

Siblings Lou and Michelle Melcer were eager to show off their new head protectors, but their dad was equally as excited because it meant they would be safe, said Emmanuel Melcer.

“We enjoyed it,” said Melcer, who lives in Flatbush.

And not only did little kids enjoy the event, but anyone who rides also had the opportunity to register their bikes with the police department so there would be a record of it in case it’s gets stolen. One cyclist said he wished he had taken that precaution earlier.

“My bike got stolen before,” said Easter New Yorker Paul Francis, who just happened to be pedaling past the event.

Reach reporter Julianne Cuba at (718) 260–4577 or by e-mail at jcuba@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @julcuba.