
Your 46th Assembly District election primer

Harris by a mile: Coney, Ridge elect first black assemblywoman
Photo by Georgine Benvenuto

Voters in the 46th Assembly’s District will chose their next representative in a special election on Nov. 3. Here’s where each hopeful stands:


DEMOCRAT, a retired corrections officer and now Director of Coney Island Generation Gap — a youth recreation and training organization that she runs out of her home in Coney Island.

55, married, three stepchildren.


REPUBLICAN, design consultant at Bari Tile and Stone and Republican District Leader in the 46th Assembly District — an unpaid elected position that functions as an organizer for the party. She ran for office five times in the last nine years, including two unsuccessful Republican primary bids for the 46th Assembly district seat.

50, married, two children.


Harris says she’s a non-establishment candidate who has learned what constituents need by “doing the work” on the ground. She has contrasted herself to “career politicians,” a not-so-subtle jab at Regina-Potter. She wants to increase funding for youth and senior services and put an end to illegal home conversions plaguing the district. Regina-Potter is the more politically experienced candidate. She criticized Harris for taking government funds for her home-run non-profit, calling it a disgrace. Regina-Potter also wants to stop illegal home conversions, secure health services for seniors, and expand pension benefits for veterans.

Reach reporter Dennis Lynch at (718) 260–2508 or e-mail him at dlynch@cnglocal.com.
Third time is the charm?: Republican candidate Lucretia Regina-Potter has run for the Republican nomination for the 46th Assembly District seat twice before, in 2012 and 2014, but lost in the both primaries.
Photo by Georgine Benvenuto